Thursday, November 25, 2010

1 comment:

  1. This was just a combination of accidents and experiments.

    Background is a layer of blue, a layer of white fading from top left to black on bottom right, a layer of green luminosity to cover it all up.

    The lizard is 3 or 4 levels of color that I wanted to be be orange and maroon but I found that it looked better with cooler tones. I also have the top layer that is a posterized so it has a nice crisp outline. In one version I had the outline a really red heavy maroon but it looked better in a darker shade.

    I was messing around with color range select and I discovered that you can select locally instead of across the entire picture, and it made a nice bright to faded look on the lizard from its head down to the body.

    I stared at this thing for 2 hours and the thing that started bugging the shit outta me was a how unclean the lines on the lizard looked. It looks good when it's smaller but I was looking at it way too zoomed in.

    Let me know what you think
